Welcome to my Domain...

The space of the Jess

Hi, I'm Jessie. This is my little web site. I'm mainly putting up my pictures here.


09/03/02 -Started site! Added dragon head picture, and Poll picture.
10/03/02 -Changed those fricking annoying template images for two lil gifs I had kicking around. The first one at the top is of Heero (probably blowing up part of my site...) and the one at the bottom is of Goth TK's Fluffy.
11/03/02 -Made a logo for my site! Linked to some other sites on my links page, which is cleverly disguised as 'Custom Page'.
12/03/02 -Put up a link to Fan Fiction.Net.
17/03/02 -Made the links to the other pages of my site say what they are meant to say eg: The link to my links page is now called Links instead of Custom Page! Uh, uploaded a few more pieces of art.
05/04/02 -Not a big update really. Got the guestbook up and running. PLEASE USE THE BOTTOM FORM!! Added another dream... hee hee >:)
18/05/02 -Long time ne? Finally completed the Vegeta Hammy page, and added a few more of my piccys to My Art. Started my ... heehee, it's secret. Why not check it out?...
12/07/02 -Ok. Sorry no updates for ages, ummmm... uh, and still no updates!! Just to say, I've taken down the GuestBook due to irritating, immiture personswho put little dots on MY guestbook! I still hold true that I didn't do it in the first place, and Laura will testify this. If you are all so miffed about having the 'scrawl wall' dis-assembled, then flame Lennie.

18/11/03 - WHAT THE?? AN UPDATE?? Well, yes, a small one. I am considering adding some more pages soon, any suggestions? The update?? Oh, I changed the gif at the bottom of the page! ^__^ Three guesses what Jessie loves!

Hey guys! I'd like to get sum more traffic thu here! I'm gonna strike a deal with you all. If you link to my site then I'll give you a UNIQUE little something.... For more details, click HERE

Want fun?

If you want fun and someplace to chat with other random web-based folks, come and join one of my groups!!

Firestone Forest, a groups I joint own with my cousin :

    Join Firestone Forest    
 MSN Groups

Got Auron? This group started out as a chatrrom once, until they were closed, so here is the group of the fantasticly popular Final Fantasy chat, Got Auron?:

    Join Got Auron?    
 MSN Groups


Hey, just incase you'd like to contact me... Don't know why ya would but still *shrugs*...
Jessie - WebMistress